Dogs howl for many reasons. It is a nonspecific behavior, sort of like a baby’s cry. A mother knows when a cry means hunger, discomfort or need for attention. Similarly in dogs, howling can occur when a dog is distressed (for example, when alone and having a problem with separation anxiety), feeling territorial, stressed in a situation that it cannot get out of (such as when a dog is fearful of guests in the home and the guests are not leaving), or responding to persistent noises such as the sound of a siren. Finally, I imagine it is a fun activity for some dogs—kind of like singing in the shower. —John Ciribassi, DVM, DACVB
If your dog howls, you may at least partly blame an ancient ancestor, the wolf. Wolves howl primarily to alert an enemy pack they’re ready to rumble or guide a lost member home. Dogs howling and hooting when you leave may be an attempt to get you to return. Howling at other dogs may signal, “Get lost!” or “I’m over here!” —Ernie Ward, DVM